Plant and Take: Late-Summer into Fall Annual Containers
August 16, 2022 - August 19, 2022
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Event Phone: 507-388-4877
This late-summer, plant a container full of annual plants that will prolong the colors of the gardening season. This year we will have the best selection of annual plants yet!
You’ll find the familiar all-season annuals to like Petunias, Calibrachoa, and Celosia.
Then add favorite fall plants like Chrysanthemum (Mums), Pansies, and Rudbeckia and the hardy foliage plants like ornamental kale, cabbage, and grasses.
This is a drop-in planting event during open hours that will be Aug. 16th-19th. Come by yourself or as a group! If you’d like to come with a large group (8+), let us know and we will make sure you can all plant together.
You’ll have a choice of 5 annuals and a 13.5″ plastic container with soil is included.
We will have helpful staff on hand to help you design and plant if you will need assistance!
You may also pay the day you plant or over the phone before you want to plant your container!