Bare Root Plants
Drummers order bare root trees that arrive beginning of April that we pot up for our nursery lot. The third and fourth week of April, we may not have bare root available but will have trees in containers available for planting once the ground is workable.
What is a bare root plant?
Bare root plants are plants that have not been potted up in containers. Not all plants can be sold bare root but many trees, shrubs, roses, and some fruiting trees can be ordered bare root. Bare root plants have typically been growing in the ground for two years before they are dug up and shipped to us.
They are shipped to us in their dormant state in April and there is a short window before they have to either be planted in containers or in the ground. Once you receive your bare root plant, it must be planted ASAP because of its roots not being in soil.
What are the advantages of buying bare root?
-Economically friendly due to the cheaper fuel cost and no plastic pot!
-You can inspect the roots for healthiness
-Easier to handle –lighter weight due to no soil around roots
-New root systems develop faster and acclimated to your soil type
Please email us for availability of trees available for bare root.